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The Side of Light

Ascended are the morally sound faction of Constellangels. They do not believe in corrupting the souls of the innocent for personal gain or exploiting mortals for power. Ascended have and always will fight for humanity's right to exist peacefully.


Ascended align their beliefs and morals based on the Legend of Zenith.

​A deity remembered only by the name Zenith is rumored to have wielded all thirteen Zodiacs. The attrition of World Energy due to the overuse of magic in human civilization was beginning to cause violent changes in nature as Earth grew weaker and weaker. Zenith would try everything to convince other humans to come together and find a solution to this issue, as Earth  was quickly on track to destruction. Ultimately they would fail. However, the Zodiacs discovered Zenith and his plight. Believing them to be truly worthy, they blessed Zenith with their power. This act granted Zenith immeasurable power, and they could then take it upon themselves to save Earth. With the power of  the thirteen Blessings of the Zodiacs, Zenith split Earth into two realms in an act that would later be named The Rend. One with magic, and one without. Zenith’s body was unable to handle this amount of power being only human, and ultimately they perished, but not before saving Earth and the new realm created from the Rend.

This world would be referred to as The Zenith by all Constellangels in honor of the great sacrifice the hero Zenith made.




Ascended primarily reside in the northern regions of the Zenith. There are several main cities, all mandated by the Zodiarch Council and their militia, The Sentinels. Though many Ascended feel obligated to enlist for the battle against the Fallen, some choose to try to lead semi-normal lives, perhaps attempting to pick up where they left off in their previous life. Many of them have taken up recreating jobs and civilizations, building lives and families, not unlike what they used to have on Earth as humans.


Constellangels live in the Zenith and regularly traverse between their home and Earth with the use of travel stones. Just like their counterparts, the Fallen, they have influenced many facets of modern civilization including wars, scientific advancements, breakthroughs in medicine, and economies around the human world. Any sort of mega corporation or grand war more than likely have Constellangels backing it in some form or another



War is not exclusive between the Ascended and Fallen

Politics are very brutal in Zenith. With the Zodiarch's watchful totalitarian style of ruling, many less powerful residents feel resentful of their strength, while the more powerful elitists living in the high towers of Elysia do not mind at all.


The Zodiarch Counsel is the head of state for Ascended. While there are 13 Zodiacs, this means there are always 13 active seats. However, many Zodiacs exist at the same time, creating sometimes a small competition for the counsel seat. Some Zodiacs relinquish the duty to their star-sibling willingly, some command a test of mettle or wits to win the seat. Whatever the case may be, only one may prevail and have a voice within the Zodiarchs.


In the event of a vacant seat, whether it be from refusal to cooperate or death, the Zodiarchs may decide to bring in a lesser constellation Legendary as a temporary filler until a new Constellangel is born with their missing Zodiac.

The Zodiarch Counsel believes in a harsh and swift approach to exterminating the Fallen - no mercy. This tactic is troubling to more sentimental Ascended Constellangels who view the Fallen as souls only led astray. Since conversion from Fallen to Ascended is possible, there are some Ascended who feel a more light-hearted approach is necessary to bequeath the war in the realm. Relinquishing the resentful nature from the hearts of the Fallen is no easy task, however.

Another opposition to the Zodiarch Counsel has nothing to do with their tactics, rather they agree on that. It has everything to do with their sheer power and authority over so many Ascended  Constellangels. This group, the Augmentalists, has been labeled as 'heretics' by the Zodiarch Counsel, as they seek to level the playing grounds between commoners and legendaries through cybernetic augmentation. The Zodiarchs harshly criticize them, saying their greed for power is not unlike the Fallen and their ancestors' downfall. The Augementalist write off this statement, claiming it is just another fear-mongering tactic the Zodiarchs use to make the weaker content with their subpar lifestyles.

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